5 challenges of maintaining a legacy custom-built customer portal. Why it’s time to migrate to Microsoft Dynamics 

Your legacy, custom-built customer portal is showing signs of wear and tear and becoming costly and cumbersome to service.  

You have a large, complex custom code and database architecture to maintain. It’s getting harder and harder to synchronize it with your other cloud-based business applications, so you’re drowning in duplicate data everywhere.  

Anytime you want to add a new feature, your team has to write a lot of code. And you’re probably constantly worried about security, and how to keep people from hacking into your site.  

Sounds familiar? 

We feel your pain.  

Let’s take a deeper look into five of the biggest challenges we know you’re experiencing with your legacy customer portal. Then read on to discover why we think it’s time to migrate to Microsoft Dynamics. 

1. Outdated Technology 

Your legacy customer portal is built on an out-dated tech-stack that’s likely to lack modern features, functionalities, and user interfaces. The outdated technology is limiting the portal’s ability to meet your evolving customer expectations and keep pace with the latest industry standards. As a result, it’s providing a poor end-user experience, and is having compatibility issues with newer devices and browsers. 

2. Limited Customization and Flexibility 

As next-generation tech arrives on the scene, you’re finding your once shiny, new custom-built application now has limited customization capabilities, making it challenging to tailor it to meet specific new business challenges. Adding new features means hours of writing new code or integrating with other systems which is complex and time-consuming to do. The portal’s lack of flexibility is hindering innovation, business agility, and preventing you from adapting to rapidly changing customer needs. 

3. Security and Compliance Risks 

It’s getting harder and harder to patch, update, and keep your portal secure. This exposes customer data to potential breaches, leading to compromised customer trust and regulatory non-compliance. Additionally, your custom-built legacy system might not meet current data privacy regulations or industry-specific compliance standards, potentially putting your organization at risk of unnecessary legal and financial repercussions. 

4. Integration Challenges 

You’ll likely be struggling to integrate your legacy customer portal with other systems or applications within your organization. This is impeding data synchronization, hindering workflow automation, and likely resulting in your team manually entering duplicate data across multiple platforms. The lack of integration capabilities is also limiting the portal’s ability to provide a seamless and connected customer experience across various touch points. 

5. Maintenance and Support Difficulties 

Technology has advanced rapidly over the recent years, which is making supporting and maintaining your legacy customer portal increasingly challenging. Your number one risk is having team members, familiar with the older tech, leaving making it harder to find qualified professionals to maintain and enhance the portal once gone. Furthermore, your legacy portal may face compatibility issues with modern infrastructure or require expensive hardware upgrades to keep it operational in the near future. 

Benefits of migrating your custom-built customer portal to Microsoft Dynamics 

Addressing these challenges and overcoming the limitations of your existing custom-built portal needn’t be a headache. We’ve worked with many customers to help them do just that. 

By migrating your customer portal data to Microsoft Dynamics, you can enhance the customer experience, improve security and compliance, and leverage the latest technologies to stay competitive in the evolving digital landscape. 

Here we take a look at some of the benefits of migrating to Dynamics:  

Seamless Integration with Microsoft Ecosystem  

Microsoft Dynamics provides a comprehensive suite of business applications, including customer relationship management (CRM), enterprise resource planning (ERP), productivity tools, and more.  

By migrating your customer portal to Microsoft Dynamics, you can leverage the seamless integration between the portal and other Microsoft tools such as Office 365, SharePoint, and Power Platform.  

This integration enables unified data management, streamlined workflows, and enhanced collaboration across different departments and teams, resulting in improved efficiency and productivity. 

Enhanced Customer Experience  

Microsoft Dynamics offers robust features and functionalities to enhance the customer experience. The platform allows you to design intuitive and user-friendly interfaces, personalized dashboards, and self-service capabilities, empowering your customers to access relevant information, track orders, make inquiries, and manage their accounts easily.  

Dynamics also enables real-time data synchronization, ensuring that customers have access to the most up-to-date information. By migrating to Dynamics, you can create a modern, engaging, and interactive customer portal that meets the expectations of today’s digitally savvy customers. 

Extensibility and Customization Options 

Microsoft Dynamics provides a highly extensible platform with customization options that allow you to tailor the customer portal to your specific business needs.  

You can leverage the low-code development capabilities of Power Apps and Power Automate to build custom workflows, automate processes, and integrate with external systems.  

Dynamics also offers a wide range of pre-built industry-specific templates and modules, enabling faster deployment and reducing development efforts. With the ability to customize and extend the functionality of the portal, you can create a solution that aligns precisely with your unique business requirements. 

Robust Security and Compliance 

Security is a top priority when it comes to customer portals, and Microsoft Dynamics offers robust security measures to protect customer data.  

The platform provides advanced security features such as data encryption, access controls, multi-factor authentication, and compliance with industry standards such as GDPR and HIPAA.  

By migrating to Dynamics, you can ensure that your customer portal adheres to the highest security and compliance standards, giving your customers peace of mind and building trust in your brand. 

Scalability and Future-Readiness 

Microsoft Dynamics is a scalable solution that can accommodate the growth of your business and the increasing demands of your customer base. The platform is designed to handle large volumes of data, support high user loads, and scale both vertically and horizontally.  

Additionally, Microsoft invests heavily in research and development, ensuring that Dynamics remains up to date with the latest technological advancements and industry trends. By migrating to Dynamics, you future-proof your customer portal and gain access to ongoing updates and innovations from Microsoft. 

Find out how migrating your custom-built customer portal to Microsoft Dynamics will eliminate manual number crunching, making your in-house team more efficient; provide your internal team and customers with a single source of truth in one dynamic database; enable self-service, enhancing the UX for end users. 


Get in touch with our experienced team to find out how to migrate your custom-built customer portal to Microsoft Dynamics.